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    sz-gy-10510  13 years ago

    That is the problem about AD I face that I don't know how it exactly works :-o

    But with OpenLdap you have to specify:

    group_dn - the group branch of your db. Example: ou=Group,dc=mydomain,dc=com

    group_name_attrib - the attribute with the name of the group name. Attribute the 'HQ - IT' is stored. Like: cn

    group_member_attrib - the attribute the username is stored in like 'memberUid',


    the search filter for user groups is:

    '(&(%s=%s)(%s))' % (group_member_attrib, username, group_filterstr )

    where group_filterstr='objectClass=*'


    If it's not good for AD then could you please write a search for users group and let me know.

    Thanks for testing.

Commented on:

Now (1.99.6) you can restrict login access based on ldap groups where the user is a member and automatically manage ldap groups in web2py app's db.

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