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    rochacbruno  12 years ago

    Yes, you can use RESTFul webservices or cmlrpc webservices and receive a bundle of XML, parse it and store in to web2py tables.

    replies (1)
    • sk1ll 12 years ago

      Hi rochacbruno . Thanks for the reply. I'm an ex Plone developer and am quite lost with web2py right now.Could you maybe post me a snippet of code to help me along. I've been trying this with xmlrpc function decorators @ just parsing the request object but I'm sure this isn't the right way .... Thanks

Commented on:

I need a way to upload an XML file into Web2py (behind apache) without using a form.

In other words, the sending server will push xml data at web2py at random intervals. Is this even possible?

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