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    samuel-bonilla-11088  12 years ago

    other error,


    format requires a mapping


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "gluon/restricted.py", line 212, in restricted
      File "D:\system\web2py\applications\Movuca\views\bootstrap/app/person/privatetimeline.load", line 88, in <module>
      File "D:\system\web2py\applications\Movuca\views\bootstrap/app/person/privatetimeline.load", line 35, in eventbox
      File "gluon/globals.py", line 197, in write
      File "gluon/html.py", line 120, in xmlescape
      File "gluon/languages.py", line 400, in xml
      File "gluon/languages.py", line 360, in __str__
      File "gluon/languages.py", line 878, in translate
      File "gluon/languages.py", line 855, in params_substitution
    TypeError: format requires a mapping
    for event in events:
        response.write('\n    ', escape=False)
        response.write('\n ', escape=False)
    response.write(event_info[event.event_type]['title'] % event)
    {{for event in events:}}

Commented on:

i am develover applicatioon based in movuca (https://github.com/rochacbruno/Movuca) when i try enter with facebook i get this error click_for_see_the__error


and with google redirect to movu.ca click_for_see_the_error

how can i change that for my own server application or ip?

please i need help

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