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    bo  11 years ago

    i have been trying this with the following and i just cant get it to work. i am not sure what i am doing wrong.

    1. auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user']= [
    2. Field('company_name'),
    3. Field('street'),
    4. Field('city'),
    5. Field('country'),
    6. Field('zip'),
    7. Field('phone'),
    8. Field('bio', 'text'),
    9. Field('avatar', 'upload', autodelete=True),
    10. Field('thumb', 'upload',writable=False,readable=False, autodelete=True)]
    12. from smarthumb import SMARTHUMB
    15. box = (200, 200)
    16. db.auth_user.thumb.compute = lambda row: SMARTHUMB(row.avatar, box)




Commented on:

In this recipe you will see how to create a custom computation to create a thumbnail to fit centered in a specific box

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