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    brianm  11 years ago

    Seems to work as advertised - will submit my binaries to niphlod to see if it's what was expected. Gevent ain't hard.

    replies (1)
    • brianm 11 years ago


      Install the Gevent (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gevent#downloads) and greenlet (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/greenlet) Windows binaries.

      Make sure you've got C:\Bin\Microsoft.VC90.CRT (even if you've installed the VC++ redirstributables before it may not be in that same location - easy way out is to just grab them from an existing web2py binary's zip file)

      Some other minor edits need to be made to setup_exe.py - I'm assuming they'll be added to trunk soon. Move the section that copies the C:\Bin\Microsoft.VC90.CRT so it is after the section that runs bbfreeze. Uncomment the #f.addScript("web2py_gevent.py") line (and change the script name to web2py_on_gevent.py or else rename the script from the recipe to match).

Commented on:

How to build windows binaries with py2exe and bbfreeze, from scratch

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