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Here is a JqGrid application that includes a JqGrid module that allows you to insert jqgrid tables in web2py pages using python.
git clone https://iiijjjii@github.com/iiijjjii/jqgrid.git
The module includes functionality for searching and form editing as well as the general features, pagination, sorting on columns, formatting and navigating available with jqgrid. The application includes examples of usage in the default.py controller.
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luciusagarthy 10 years ago
nice job. I started with web2py week ago and want to implement jqgrid.
I am using my own db and cannot figure out, how to show column from foreignkey table, it is
showing just id column, but not name column (like db.thing with db.category.name in second column).
Another think: 'rownumbers': 'true' does not work properly, it adds column for rownumbers, but no rownumbers are shown,
just data are shift one column left :(, do not know if I have to manually add row numbers or jqgrid generates it.
Can you help. Sorry for my english, I am used just to read manuals :(.