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    ritika-sharma-11660  10 years ago

    i also faced the sameproblem...................the real problem is url gets the value say with %29 appended at the end


Commented on:

Wanting to use a background image for my app !

I put in my layout layout file the following declaration just before the closing head tag ( .. </head> )


<style type="text/css">
    font-family: 'Ubuntu', arial, sans-serif;


For some reason ..... it is not showing up ... I even tried to put it directly the css file ... it still does not show up as background.

I also tried writing it like this : background-image: URL('static','images/pattern.png'); it still does not work !

the "pattern.png" is well inside the images folder in the static folder of my app !

Can someone please tell me ... how come it is not working .. and how can I make my background image showing up as background image ( repeat xy should be considered by default  so it was not specified ...) even when it is specified .. nothing shows up !


Please help .. please assist ...


I am sure this should be simple ! .. but it is not working !


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