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is a great javascript library that can be used in many different ways.
Here you have a plugin for web2py that shows how to use for the following purpose:
You have two tables t1 and t2 (example: db.auth_user and db.product) and a table t3 that is a "product" of t1 and t2 (this user wants this much of this product).
A natural syntax gives you a grid that allows whose rows are entries of t1, whose columns are entries of t2, and which allows you to edit a number at the grid that crosses row and column.
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pang 9 years ago
I noticed that if the form is submitted via ajax it doesn't work. The ultimate reason is on the behaviour of jQuery.serialize
I will fix ASAIRFMH (as soon as I return from my holidays), but if you need it now, it can be fixed using the parameter formname as in gluon.html.FORM.accepts.