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    tyoc213  15 years ago
    Because you already have backups of the files in the repo, and you don't want to upload data you have for local tests... Perhaps also add to the ignored files in the **glob** section *.bak Perhaps also add to the ignored files in the **regex** section ^uploads/ Also remember to hit the regenerate strings for the languages only 1 time before distribute for make changes and record them (the ones only related to strings) and don't mix this language files modifications with the normal commit flow of your source, I mean a timeline like [develop no regenerate lang files] -> [regenerate lang files and update the translations] -> [develop no regenerate lang files] each [..] are changesets that only relate to 1 of this phases... because if not you will end mixings this changes (not good nor bad... but I think is cleaner)

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A strategy for keeping your application under version control, while allowing easy updating on your production app.

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