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Hello slicers, I'm quite new in Web2Py ;-) here is my model:</di ...
This example is for MASTER-CHILD look-up relationship. Need an example to do the following. 1. Call MAST ...
What to do if you you want every user to see the time at his local time-zone ...
Provides an asynchronous behaviour to forms where each input field updates the record on the database as soon as its input field is released ('focusou ...
Adding the following lines to the default layout.html of your application you can share all that is json serializable between server and client using ...
Profile Web2py Applications for Speed and Memory Usage ...
makePagesNactions4MenuTitles.py creates - Associated Controller Actions and - HTML View Pages for each: Menu Item Title of ...
So a buddy of mine and I have been experimenting with web2py and from the start its great! The only issue we have is using it with existin ...
Some examples on getting started with angular.js and dealing with the handlebars delimiters. ...
In this way all potentials of the google geocode service are available with a very less code than the web2py source. ...