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i do not now about nothing how to do it. Someone please help me. ...
Adding the following lines to the default layout.html of your application you can share all that is json serializable between server and client using ...
Someone MapBox implemented with web2py? ...
Create Dynamic XML Sitemaps For your website and the ability to add dynamic URLS using your own tables , to be used by Google and other search engine ...
a "Django" like admin for web2py 2.0 ...
Hi, Recently I installed plugin_wiki as a way to construct our community site for the local hackerspace. After look ...
Recently in the local hackerspace we have a small discussion about which tools use to reshape our website. Most of them voted for a "tested ...
Yes, this is another AD ldap, but this one has allowed_groups ...
This is the basic recipe or idea for a web2py plugin with the aim of inspecting into database connection contents without the needing of an appropriat ...
I think we need two more content types on web2pyslices/movuca, one for suggestions and other for code snippets a la pastebin, so we could use th ...