ADD This Code in Your :
def sitemap(): # Import Os and Regex import os from gluon.myregex import regex_expose # Finding You Controllers ctldir = os.path.join(request.folder,"controllers") ctls=os.listdir(ctldir) # Excluding The and the if '' in ctls: ctls.remove('') if '' in ctls: ctls.remove('') # Adding Schemas for the site map xmlns='xmlns=""\n' xmlnsImg='xmlns:image=""\n' xmlnsVid='xmlns:video=""\n' sitemap_xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' sitemap_xml +='<urlset %s %s %s>\n'%(xmlns,xmlnsImg,xmlnsVid) # Add The Pages That You Dont want in the XML Sitemap ExcludedPages = ['Function_Name','Function_Name'] # Define Your Domain Domain = '' for ctl in ctls: if ctl.endswith(".bak") == False: filename = os.path.join(ctldir,ctl) data = open(filename, 'r').read() functions = regex_expose.findall(data) ctl = ctl[:-3].replace("_"," ") # Adding Statics URLs From Your Controllers for f in functions: # Ignore the Pages from the list above ( ExcludedPages ) if f not in ExcludedPages: sitemap_xml += '<url>\n<loc>%s/%s/%s</loc>\n</url>\n' %(Domain,ctl,f.replace("_"," ")) # Dynamic URLs From Tables For ex ... >> posts = db().select(db.posts.ALL, orderby=~db.posts.created) for item in posts: sitemap_xml += '<url>\n<loc>%s/default/post/%s</loc>\n</url>\n' %(Domain, sitemap_xml +='</urlset>' return sitemap_xml
Then Open
Done with the help of this post!topic/web2py/TUMn6R3BJ10
Enjoy , Best Regards,
Hassan ALnatour
Comments (1)
rafs 11 years ago
Perfect, thank man.
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