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A Simple Page Statistics Model

Inspired by the slice "Hierarchical Category Tree" by Thadeus Burgess I wrote a little plugin for determination and presentation of page hit statistics for web2py.


Create a new file models/pageStatistics.py (or any other name within the models directory) and copy this slice into it.

Display Results

If you want to get the results displayed to the visitor, also add to views/layout.html:

        <font size="1">Hits: <u>{{=pageStatistics.hits}}</u> Visits: <u>{{=pageStatistics.visits}}</u></font>

The Model File

The contents of the file models/pageStatistics.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A Simple Page Statistics Plugin

Filename:   pageStatistics.py
Author:     Anton G. Mueckl
Contact:    amueckl@chartup.de

Date:       2009-11-13
Version:    1.0
Licence:    GPL v2

Inspired by:
Hierarchical Category Tree by Thadeus Burgess, see:

Create a new file models/pageStatistics.py and copy this slice into it.
If you want to get the results displayed to the visitor, also add to

        <font size="1">Hits: <u>{{=pageStatistics.hits}}</u> Visits: <u>{{=pageStatistics.visits}}</u></font>

If you want to set other starting values than 0, you also can define one like:
pageStatistics = PageStatistics(db, initialHits=16548, initialVisits=6541)() # see below:


class PageStatistics():
    title = "PageStatistics"
    keywords = "hit counter, page statistics, visits"
    description = "Defines database models and functions for page stats"
    copyright = "GPL v2"

    def __init__(self,
                 db,                                # reference to DAL obj.
                 initialHits=0,                     # hits initial value 
                 initialVisits=0,                   # visits intial value 
                 tablename="plugin_page_statistics" # you may want to alter
                                                    # the name of the
                                                    # database table
        self._db = db
        self._tablename = tablename
        self._initialHits = initialHits
        self._initialVisits = initialVisits

    def __call__(self):
        return self

    def define_tables(self):
        self._table = self._db.define_table(self._tablename,
            Field('hits', 'integer'),
            Field('visits', 'integer'),

        self.table = self._table
        self.fieldHits = "%s.hits" % self._table
        self.fieldVisits = "%s.visits" % self._table

    def populate(self):
        # populate if neccessary:
        if not self._db(self._db[self._tablename].id>0).count():
            self._db[self._tablename].insert(visits=self._initialVisits, hits=self._initialHits)

    def update(self):
        if not session.has_key('visits'):
            #session.visits = True
            newvisits = set.select()[0]['visits'] + 1
            session.visits = newvisits
        newhits = set.select()[0]['hits'] + 1
        session.hits = newhits
        self.hits = session.hits
        self.visits = session.visits

pageStatistics = PageStatistics(db, initialHits=0, initialVisits=0)()

# or if you want to cheat:
##pageStatistics = PageStatistics(db, initialHits=16548, initialVisits=6541)()

Getting More Impressions

If you want to set other starting values than 0, you also can define one like:

pageStatistics = PageStatistics(db, initialHits=16548, initialVisits=6541)()

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