Since version 1.92 you can setup web2py in a multiuser or teaching mode. There is one instance of Web2py installed on a system, one account is the admin (or teacher), the other account are the students. Student can only see their own apps. It works like this: the admin page is changed and now contains a login & register header. The first user to log in in this mode gets the role of teacher. Subsequent registrations will become students, after approval by the teacher. Below I assume running web2py locally at on port 8000. The teacher and the students will need a SSL secured web2py instance see chapter 11
Note that in multi-user mode there is no security mechanism to prevent interference between administrators.
Steps to install and use the setup
- install web2py in a folder, let's say web2py_mu
- change in admin/appadmin/ : MULTI_USER_MODE = True
- start web2py in the usual way en click on the link for the administrative interface Now you see the adapted administrative login
- click register to create teacher account You now enter the admin app.
- click logout and click register to create first student account (you can let the students do this, provide them with the link )
After a student registers his/her status is 'Pending'.
Approving the students
- enter the admin's appadmin (
- click on the auth_user table
You're now looking at the teacher and students accounts. For each approved student: + click on its id (leftmost column) + remove the word pending in the field registration_key
Alternative procedure
If available you can also import a list of students by using a csv file (to be expanded upon)
Wish list, work in progress
(1) = essential (2) = nice to have
- (2) a button to go to admin/appadmin would be nice DONE!
- (2) in MU-mode the starting app should be the administrative interface for the teacher, instead of the Welcome app. DONE!
Hiding complexity
For students just starting with python and webapps starting with a minimal application could be helpfull. No Ajax, minimal templating...
- (1) On right side we need a extra option to load a minimal app based on a file 'minimal.w2p' DONE!
The components of appadmin are not relevant for the beginning student and intimidating, a configuration option BASIC_STUDENT default False could help. The teacher can turn this on, and at a later stage off. When False these files can be hidden from sight, and also on the admin screen, the wizard and other advanced options.
We're working an a few patches here. Here you can get the patched code and updated install documentation
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