The configuration we introduce here is useful for heavy loaded production sites. SCGI is a light protocol that is similar in scope to FCGI, but designed to be much simpler and lighter on the network.
To make web2py work with SCGI we have to consider that web2py is by all means a WSGI application. There are a lot of examples on how to make WSGI talk SCGI, but of course web2py has already a small SCGI<->WSGI server included. Before we can start using it we must choose a SCGI implementation for python. We suggest wsgitools. We can install the python package:
# pip install wsgitools
# easy_install wsgitools
now we can start web2py as a SCGI server:
$ cd <web2py installation root>
$ python & #start the server in background
$ disown $! #detach the server from the terminal. You can close the terminal afterwards.
Now we would like to serve the pages through HTTP not SCGI! So what we need is a web server that can speak to SCGI backends. We need a fast one and easy to configure, so we choose nginx. Since nginx comes with a nice SCGI module we need only to write a little piece of configuration in nginx.conf (usually under /etc/nginx). In a server section of choice put the following
set $web2pyroot <web2py root folder>;
#serve static content without web2py intervention
location ~ ^/(.*)/static/(.*) {
alias $web2pyroot/applications/$1/static/$2;
# use port 4000 the default definend in
location / {
include /etc/nginx/scgi_params;
If you have a recent version of nginx you can take advantage of HTTP keep-alive conection even when requesting data from the upstream SCGI server (i.e. web2py). Older versions of nginx supported keep-alive connections only when serving static content. The setup is the same above, but we introduce an upstream block in the http section of nginx.conf
upstream scgi_web2py { server; keepalive 512; }
And the above configuration then becomes:
set $web2pyroot <web2py root folder>; #serve static content without web2py intervention location ~ ^/(.*)/static/(.*) { alias $web2pyroot/applications/$1/static/$2; } # use port 4000 the default definend in location / { include /etc/nginx/scgi_params; scgi_pass scgi_web2py; }
Start nginx and we are done. Was that fast? See it running!
If you need to finetune the number of web2py processes you can edit last line of the file. For instance the following sets a maximum of 7 processes and a minimum of 2:
SCGIServer(application, port=4000, minworkers=2, maxworkers=7).enable_sighandler().run()
Kill the SCGI server and restart it as usual. The suggestion is to have no more than 2 web2py/SCGI processes per each core.
[Update: 2012-03-10]
Now scgihandler is faster since supports gzip compression when the browser sends the appropriate HTTP header:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
[Update: 2012-05-16]
To enable succesful detection of https scheme by web2py you can pass the HTTPS environment variable to the SCGI server by adding the following statement in the location / block:
scgi_param HTTPS yes;
[Update: 2012-06-13]
Robust way to daemonize and have it run forever with little resources.
Comments (5)
matt-gorecki-10806 12 years ago
You can also add a uwsgi_param to your location to force uwsgi to see the connection as https.
Here's what part of my nginx config looks like, UWSGI_SCHEME is the param that needs set.
replies (1)
michelecomitini 12 years ago
To avoid the "Admin is disabled because insecure channel" you have some options I use two:
browse to http://localhost:1880/admin
francis-kayiwa-11134 12 years ago
Thanks! This worked. Thanks for pointers on how to use this and avoid "Admin is disabled because insecure channel".
replies (1)
rochacbruno 13 years ago
michelecomitini 13 years ago