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I need to interact with a legacy database where boolean are mapped like this:

TRUE = -1


The way to achieve that is to write a custom adapter.

Create web2py/site-packages/custom_adapter.py like this:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-/

from gluon.dal import ADAPTERS, PostgreSQLAdapter

class BoolAsIntPostgreSQLAdapter(PostgreSQLAdapter):

    # specify a diver to use
    drivers = ('psycopg2','pg8000')
    TRUE = -1
    FALSE = 0

    types = {
        'boolean': 'smallint',
        'string': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)',
        'text': 'TEXT',
        'json': 'TEXT',
        'password': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)',
        'blob': 'BYTEA',
        'upload': 'VARCHAR(%(length)s)',
        'integer': 'INTEGER',
        'bigint': 'BIGINT',
        'float': 'FLOAT',
        'double': 'FLOAT8',
        'decimal': 'NUMERIC(%(precision)s,%(scale)s)',
        'date': 'DATE',
        'time': 'TIME',
        'datetime': 'TIMESTAMP',
        'id': 'SERIAL PRIMARY KEY',
        'reference': 'INTEGER REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s',
        'list:integer': 'TEXT',
        'list:string': 'TEXT',
        'list:reference': 'TEXT',
        'geometry': 'GEOMETRY',
        'geography': 'GEOGRAPHY',
        'big-id': 'BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY',
        'big-reference': 'BIGINT REFERENCES %(foreign_key)s ON DELETE %(on_delete_action)s',
    def parse_boolean(self, value, field_type):
        return value == self.TRUE or False 

ADAPTERS.update( {
    'custompgsql': BoolAsIntPostgreSQLAdapter

Now in your db.py you can use your adapter:

import custom_adapter
db = DAL('custompgsql://user:pass@host/database')

Many thanks to Niphlod.




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Comments (1)

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    simone-niphlod-11079 11 years ago

    to be extremely sure, please use a parse_boolean that returns either True or False, not "None".

    def parse_boolean(self, value, field_type):
        return value == self.TRUE or False


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