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Package type:


  • Project:web2conf
  • Type:Mercurial
  • Project's site
  • Root location:https://spametki@code.google.com/p/web2conf/



NOTE: This project now has a new driver - Mariano Reingart

It includes the following enhancements to original web2conf:

    Wiki (ReST) and Wyswyg HTML CMS with flatpages_pluging
    Easier Registration (optionally no password required)
    Social network login support (google, yahoo, twitter, facebook, etc.)
    Navigation bar dynamic menu
    Talk management improvements (author bio, embed video, etc.)
    Ratings and user voting (preferences), feedback planned
    Schedule and timetable (multiple rooms) & mmodal window
    Sponsorship (logos)
    Speakers page (photos, bio, etc)
    Mailing (talk acceptance/rejection) & Confirmations
    Conference brief (talk stats by level, category, speakers by country, etc.)
    Slideshow, recent tweets and latest blog posts sections
    Badge and attendance certificate generation (PDF)
    Almost full internationalization (English, Spanish, etc.)
    Capable of data import from former PyCon?-Tech django-based systems (speakers, talks, sponsors, attendees)
    Financial-Aid application, expenses and cash-flow financials
    Manager interface for Settings, CRUD, mailing, etc.
    Minor bugfixes


It was originally developed for PyCon US 2009 registration. Used also at PyCon 2010. The updated clone was used at least in the following events:

Major events that used or are using this software are:


See also the http://code.google.com/p/conf2py/ project, a fork and rewrite by Massimo DiPierro?.

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