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    select  14 years ago
    yes maybe I also took a different approach in web2py_ajax in the top add response.files.insert(3,URL(r=request,c='static/js',f='jquery.form.js')) you can get this plugin at http://jquery.malsup.com/form/ in the bottom replace with the following function web2py_trap_form(action,target) { jQuery('#'+target+' form').each(function(i){ var form=jQuery(this); if(!form.hasClass('no_trap')){ if(form.find('.upload').length>0){ //using ajaxForm has the disadvantage that the header is not returned in xhr //can this be fixed in the ajaxForm plugin??? form.ajaxForm({ url: action, success: function(data, statusText, xhr) { complete_web2py_ajax_page(xhr, data, action, target) } }); }else{ form.submit(function(obj){ jQuery('.flash').hide().html(''); web2py_ajax_page('post',action,form.serialize(),target); return false; }); } } }); } function complete_web2py_ajax_page (xhr, text, action, target){ var html=xhr.responseText; var content=xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-content'); var command=xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-command'); var flash=xhr.getResponseHeader('web2py-component-flash'); var t = jQuery('#'+target); if(content=='prepend') t.prepend(html); else if(content=='append') t.append(html); else if(content!='hide') t.html(html); web2py_trap_form(action,target); web2py_ajax_init(); if(command) eval(command); if(flash) jQuery('.flash').html(flash).slideDown(); } function web2py_ajax_page(method,action,data,target) { jQuery.ajax({'type':method,'url':action,'data':data, 'beforeSend':function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('web2py-component-location',document.location); xhr.setRequestHeader('web2py-component-element',target);}, 'complete':function(xhr,text){ complete_web2py_ajax_page(xhr, text, action, target); } }); } function web2py_component(action,target) { //jQuery(document).ready(function(){ //i had to uncomment this since it cause some trouble??? $('#'+target).prepend('{{=IMG(_alt="loading ...", _src=URL(request.application, 'static/images', 'loading.gif'))}}');//just some eycandy, you can remove this if you want web2py_ajax_page('get',action,null,target); // }); } Now if you have a form in a ajax loaded page and the form contains an upload field it will use the form plugin. Be aware that this will not allow you to send js in the header if plugin is used.

Commented on:

Forms that are in a LOAD div (e.g. a plug-in) do not upload files. To get around this I used a jQuery plugin. I combined this with the ability of web2py to update components selectively.

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