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    rvquartz  13 years ago
    Hello, Here is the controller (default.py): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def index(): response.files.append(URL(r=request,c='static/css/ui-darkness',f='jquery-ui-1.8.12.custom.css')) response.files.append(URL(r=request,c='static/css',f='ui.jqgrid.css')) response.files.append(URL(r=request,c='static/js',f='jquery-ui-1.8.12.custom.min.js')) response.files.append(URL(r=request,c='static/src/i18n',f='grid.locale-en.js')) response.files.append(URL(r=request,c='static/js',f='jquery.jqGrid.min.js')) return dict() def call(): """ exposes services. for example: http://..../[app]/default/call/jsonrpc decorate with @services.jsonrpc the functions to expose supports xml, json, xmlrpc, jsonrpc, amfrpc, rss, csv """ session.forget() return service() @service.json def get_rows(): db.things.category.represent = lambda v: v.name fields = ['id','name','category','price','owner'] rows = [] page = int(request.vars.page) pagesize = int(request.vars.rows) limitby = (page * pagesize - pagesize,page * pagesize) orderby = db.things[request.vars.sidx] if request.vars.sord == 'desc': orderby = ~orderby for r in db(db.things.id>0).select(limitby=limitby,orderby=orderby): vals = [] for f in fields: rep = db.things[f].represent if rep: vals.append(rep(r[f])) else: vals.append(r[f]) rows.append(dict(id=r.id,cell=vals)) total = db(db.things.id>0).count() pages = int(total/pagesize) #if total % pagesize == 0: pages -= 1 data = dict(total=pages,page=page,rows=rows) return data ================================================================================== here is the view (default/index.html): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ==================================================================================== I have verified that the db.category and db.things table is indeed populated with dummy data. This may be a dumb question - but i am new at javascript: What URL do I need to type into the browser to see the grid? when I type in "", all I get is a blank screen when I type in "", all I get is a message that says "Object does not exist"

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This is a simple example of how to get started with jqGrid on web2py

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