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    kra3  11 years ago

    I'll try to make some sample code as soon as I've some time.

    {{=plugin_rating('shout',1, True)}} 

    That is used when we need split stars.

    That'll enable users to give ratings like 4.5 instead of whole numbers.


    If you include a field called `rating` of type double, average rating will be updated in that column.


    I'm a little behind with web2py, had to see with latest version to understand that 'manage' page part.

Commented on:

lean and small plugin for star rating. support split stars, can be used more than one times in a page (for same record or different ones), If original table have a field called 'rating' average rating will also added to it. else work normally. Can use same plugin for any existing tables (as of old one)

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