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    jtk  8 years ago

    Does Dreamhost require you to use a VPS to make this work?  This posting says so, but I don't see why.  I'm able to get Flask running using similar code in passenger_wsgi.py, but with web2py, Passenger times out, saying it didn't get a response from the web application in time.

    replies (1)
    • jtk 8 years ago

      Answering my own question... The line "sys.stdout = sys.stderr" in passenger_wsgi.py breaks Passenger. This problem is documented by Passenger ("don't overwrite stdout"), so I'm not sure how this code worked in the first place, unless the change to Passenger is more recent.

      The change (commenting out the stdout assignment) fixes the startup problem, although I don't know what, if any, impact the change might have on web2py behavior.

Commented on:

This post explains how I got this site working on Dreamhost using Passenger WSGI. It's a consolidation of several other wiki posts. Even though Passenger is designed for Rails it has built in support for WSGI apps. According to an email I received from Phusion, WSGI support in Passenger is stable and they haven't received a single crash report. That's good enough for me.

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