If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Seemingly there is no reason for these extraordinary intergalactical upsets (Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha) ...
Tips to deploy web2py apps to hostgator ...
A simple exemple about configuring web2py, nginx and GUnicorn. Remote administration ready ! ...
Script to install web2py + nginx + uwsgi on Ubuntu server 12.04 with optimized options. ...
How to quickly get up and running on Red Hat's Openshift PaaS with web2py in as little as six steps! ...
Recipe postes by "Udi Milo" on google group ...
Debian deployment w/ Nginx and SCGI ...
Generate SSL self-signed certificate and key and enable https encryption in web2py. Enjoy your privacy https://www.eff.org https://www.torproject.org ...
Here's how to install a web2py background processing script (like the scheduler) into /etc/init so that it will run when you reboot your machine. You ...
Hi. I have installed movuca at: http://mutabit.com/ubakye ...