If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Filter all the events that are saved in the Auth_event table by dates only available in the table , and you can filter on a period of Time two . Enjoy ...
Requires jQuery.form plugin ...
insert and delete in database using ajax and show in view (gmail uses ajax for deleting) ...
This is a simple example of how to get started with jqGrid on web2py ...
Very easy to use and implement ajax user validation, it checks if the user exists on the DB table or not.. if it exists it avoids form submission. ...
This is a very easy way to make an ajax live search using JQuery , xHTML , CSS and Web2Py on the server side ;-) ...
This is a method to convert Python Date and DateTime objects into a Javascript date or datetime declaration that most browser can parse as JSON. ...
This is an easy way to add a confirmation dialog during a form submit ...
This is a helper module that I wrote for web2py that lets you do some interesting and useful things with client side script. You can manage resources ...
This is a simple example of how to retrieve JSON data from the server and consume it with jQuery. ...