If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
In this recipe you will see how to create a custom computation to create a thumbnail to fit centered in a specific box ...
Instalar um App web2py no apache2 com mod wsgi, em uma sub pasta ...
I think we need two more content types on web2pyslices/movuca, one for suggestions and other for code snippets a la pastebin, so we could use th ...
This is a walk through on setting up Web2py in a virtual environment. It could be a good way to become familiar with working with Web2py in virtual en ...
Insert the dead code necessary the static code analyzer of Pydev Eclipse into your Python file to avoid the warnings and errors cause by web2py magic ...
Transform web2py applications into Eclipse projects. ...
My implementation of Paypal web payments standard using both encrypted requests and IPN for a secure process workflow. Note that i am running this on ...
some very rough notes on using virtualenv, a work in progress... ...
This creates a form that allows the user to dynamically search and select fields in a table ...
Similar to Rails scaffolding. Creates admin panel with just one line! ...