If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Quick way to convert a list of dictionaries (or Storage), rows resulting from a query into a web2py TABLE object ...
Run web2py in a Synology NAS ...
How to run web2py on Synology NAS ...
A Dockerfile to build an image based on ubuntu for running web2py with gunicorn as a Docker container. The file is inspired by O.S. Tezer’s tutorial ...
Keeping the version number correct by hand is cumbersome. We can do better using python-versioneer and GIT ...
If You need change timeout interval in Ajax LOAD on fly ...
crash - session_pickled = pickle.dumps(self, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) on 2.9.11 ...
This code includes several methods that can be useful to customise grids before these are sent to the views. These are applied to one example scenario ...
Freebsd Server ...
This is a work in progress recipe (at the moment). It's based on a specific use case but I think can be easily generalized to other needs. My needs w ...