If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
This recipe is about web2py using RAM MEMORY for "disk caching" on linux(with TMPFS). ...
Unlike the example in "The Official web2py Book", this is mostly mxml Flex code. Note that this slice assumes working with Windows distribution of we ...
This is a widget that handles multi-select fields ...
A quick and dirty way to send HTML mail. Adapting the mail module in tools.py would be the next step... I just put it here to be able to refer to it i ...
A unit testing solution ...
This is how I setup web2py on a hosting service with FastCGI in a subdirectory. ...
This is another autocomplete widget example ...
It allows multiple forms (2) on the same page using JQuery Tools and iframe. ...
(written specifically for Ubuntu, but applicable to all systems) By: Evan Gray - GrayMatterComputing ...
Describes how to use the Google blobstore API, allowing files up to 50MB to be used when a web2py project is hosted on Google App Engine ...
This is a method I found to upload an image (into the uploads folder) and then create the thumbnail in the same directory. One good point is that Web2 ...
Forms that are in a LOAD div (e.g. a plug-in) do not upload files. To get around this I used a jQuery plugin. I combined this with the ability of web2 ...
How to break the alphabetic ordering dependence of BEAUTIFY and use multiple word keys with the dict method. The normal behaviour of BEAUTIFY is not c ...
Issues concerned with low memory footprint using web2py are discussed. Specific steps for configuring Lighttpd for static file use, URL remapping and ...
This is (obviously) a hack, so test it extensively before deploying it in your environment. Tested with web2py-1.74.6 and web2py-1.74.11. ...
this slice was stupid since I did not read the manual ...
How to get a WYSIWYG editor for form textareas that saves markdown (lightweight markup language supported by web2py) even in an ajax frame and how to ...
to remove all labels from a form, Massimo showed me this trick ...
Very easy to use and implement ajax user validation, it checks if the user exists on the DB table or not.. if it exists it avoids form submission. ...
This is a very easy way to make an ajax live search using JQuery , xHTML , CSS and Web2Py on the server side ;-) ...
This is a method to convert Python Date and DateTime objects into a Javascript date or datetime declaration that most browser can parse as JSON. ...
Web2py plugins are nice but you cannot use A href hyperlinks to refresh just the plugin div, here is a trick how to make GET requests from plugins ...
Enables your javascript to call web2py controller actions directly using JSON-RPC as a transport ...
This is for applications that use nested functions, where you want the user pass by a function first to go to another, so you can set the parent funct ...