If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
If you want to work with <fieldset> and <legend> you can still use SQLFORM. As shown in other slides the form can be manipulated by slicing and method ...
To publish geo-referenced maps using a webservices (less than 15 lines of code) ...
Quick and dirty multi file ajax file upload with multi selection a drag and drop. Javascript plugin at http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ ...
If you have very long articles/blog posts you probably want to show a shorter version in der index page of your blog. This slice cuts the preview at ...
A "faster" (smarter) alternative for download dynamic content from web2py ...
This is a method I found to upload an image (into the uploads folder) and then create the thumbnail in the same directory. One good point is that Web2 ...
Here are a few tricks for modifying individual form elements ...
I do not particularly like having a function for each of the standard operations (select, update, create) on a single table. Moreso when I am prototyp ...
The Google "Hello, Robot" tutorial on w2p ...
This is example of how to output cairo generation from controller's function. ...