If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Filter all the events that are saved in the Auth_event table by dates only available in the table , and you can filter on a period of Time two . Enjoy ...
Simple search form to filter orders from specific buyer/user ...
Generate SSL self-signed certificate and key and enable https encryption in web2py. Enjoy your privacy https://www.eff.org https://www.torproject.org ...
I never realized the power of stored procedure on DB2 and now I can execute the CL/RPG/QRY program from python/web2py ! ...
This slice shows how to update a record in a form that uses two types of related data. ...
If you want to work with <fieldset> and <legend> you can still use SQLFORM. As shown in other slides the form can be manipulated by slicing and method ...
To publish geo-referenced maps using a webservices (less than 15 lines of code) ...
Quick and dirty multi file ajax file upload with multi selection a drag and drop. Javascript plugin at http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ ...
If you have very long articles/blog posts you probably want to show a shorter version in der index page of your blog. This slice cuts the preview at ...
A "faster" (smarter) alternative for download dynamic content from web2py ...