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<pre class="tw-data-text vk_txt tw-ta tw-text-small" data-fulltext="" data-placeholder="Tradução" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text" style="unicode-bidi: ...
Dear all, Anyone know how to fix problem when use SQLFORM.grid search box in LOAD function. This are ste ...
My display resolution is 1024 x 768. The ad placement blocks the web2pyslices content making it VERY DIFFICULT to work with this IMPORTANT RESOU ...
Is there a way for web2py app to upload file to www.copy.com instead of the server local file system ? ...
Is there a way for a web2py app to upload file to <a href="http://www.copy.com">http://www.copy.com</a> instead of the server local file system ...
Is it possible to use in MARKMIN editor variables, that are declared in the controller on in the model? I have test ...
Hi, I recently upgraded python from 2.6 to 2.7 and want to make web2py run with python 2.7. Can you let me know if ...
Hey, what do you think about the new web2py[:] ? ...