If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Create a custom decorator which can be used to authenticate a web2py service or page access. ...
ldap with group validation ...
I think we need two more content types on web2pyslices/movuca, one for suggestions and other for code snippets a la pastebin, so we could use th ...
How to Install Web2py in the Ipad for fun ! ...
Hi, I recently upgraded python from 2.6 to 2.7 and want to make web2py run with python 2.7. Can you let me know if ...
Create your datamodels in modules ...
Models are a very special web2py feature, but they like as scripts running on every request. Now with modules we can improve web2py performance with a ...
How to write time scheduled tasks with web2py built-in cron ...
Now (1.99.6) you can restrict login access based on ldap groups where the user is a member and automatically manage ldap groups in web2py app's db. ...
Hey, what do you think about the new web2py[:] ? ...