If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
This is a way to externalize your auth, crud and mail settings so that they can be stored in the database and managed through appadmin . ...
Here is another widget that uses three selects to allow the user to pick a date. ...
This is a (overly)simple autocomplete widget using the pengoworks jQuery plugin. I used it because it works and I am too lazy to download the files a ...
This is a widget for using the jQueryUI slider for integer input ...
A strategy for keeping your application under version control, while allowing easy updating on your production app. ...
This is a simple widget for using the jQuery datepicker on a text input. ...
Here is a widget that presents your text as a label until you double click it at which point it turns into a text input. ...
Tested under OS X, but should work on other Unix-like systems. See script for documentation. Now in scripts/. ...
Although web2py comes with an integrated editor, I really like ckeditor and using it for a text field is trivial using widgets! ...
The Google "Hello, Robot" tutorial on w2p ...