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Is it possible to use in MARKMIN editor variables, that are declared in the controller on in the model? I have test ...
help with mysql, I'm trying to connect to a new mysql database with movuca, and I get this error I'm using <a href="http ...
<p style="text-align: left;"> i am develover applicatioon based in movuca (https://github.com/rochacbruno/Movuca) when i try enter with facebook i g ...
I have web2py + lighttpd and trying to get the same app secure behind an url and open in you visit it from other domain. Is this possible? The i ...
Dear Freind, I use web2py 1.99 hosting with googleappengine, it working fine and not request to re-singin with goog ...
Hi, We're trying to make our hackerspace (http://hackbo.co) site in web2py instead of using a pre-made but not ...
The answer to this question was on <em>movu.ca</em>, but that site is not available at the moment. Would you mind posting the same answer ...
Hi to all. I love Movuca so I am trying to use it in some projects in Uminho University Humanities department. I ...
Hi, Recently I installed plugin_wiki as a way to construct our community site for the local hackerspace. After look ...
Hi, Recently I moved and app from my laptop to the webserver by using scp and then I made the proper permissions ch ...