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crash - session_pickled = pickle.dumps(self, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) on 2.9.11 ...
This example is for MASTER-CHILD look-up relationship. Need an example to do the following. 1. Call MAST ...
Apologies for naive question - I'm brand new to python & web2py. Trying to display a list of tables in a form, IF a criteria ...
<span left-pos="0|3" right-pos="0|3" space="" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: arial; font-size: 18.1818180084229px; line-height: 22p ...
This code includes several methods that can be useful to customise grids before these are sent to the views. These are applied to one example scenario ...
This plugin allows automatic creation of thumbnails from image upload fields. It creates a virtual field and not modify original tables. ...
A Web2py plugin and a webpage for wishes with a snowing effect, using HTML5 & JS The preview site is https://piggy1989.pythonanywhere.com/ylrc/plugin ...
Dear all, Anyone know how to fix problem when use SQLFORM.grid search box in LOAD function. This are ste ...
Freebsd Server ...