If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
I have design a a page using html and my own custom grid system .. and wish to port it to web2py view I have placed my CSS files, js ...
Hey I was wondering why my jQurey code was not working with the custom form code. Below is the code being used. {{= ...
I don't want to use "username" to log-in ... but the user e-mail adress. I am new to web2py ! and to ...
Dear Friend, How can I setup the selection dropdown for select language as in the admin footer page. &nb ...
Linux es un sistema operativo, que al igual que otros te permite manejar el computador, con la ventaja, de que es software libre, lo cual implic ...
Hi again, This time I want to know about password recovery in movuca. I made some test trying to change my password and I want to get ...
Hi. I have installed movuca at: http://mutabit.com/ubakye ...
I want to know how to create notification bar like facebook in my web2py framework application. please help me. ...
Hi I found an old video from Massimo Di Pierro(when web2py was called gluon) where he explains how to do an application called recipe ...