If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Quick way to convert a list of dictionaries (or Storage), rows resulting from a query into a web2py TABLE object ...
Create admin group (and other groups), make possible edit user membership of the groups. ...
Run web2py in a Synology NAS ...
How to run web2py on Synology NAS ...
A Dockerfile to build an image based on ubuntu for running web2py with gunicorn as a Docker container. The file is inspired by O.S. Tezer’s tutorial ...
Encrypting and decrypting information into the database ...
Integrating LinkedIn login with web2py through oauth2 and python-linkedin ...
Keeping the version number correct by hand is cumbersome. We can do better using python-versioneer and GIT ...
If You need change timeout interval in Ajax LOAD on fly ...
Hello slicers, I'm quite new in Web2Py ;-) here is my model:</di ...