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Customizable query result data scroller ...
This code includes several methods that can be useful to customise grids before these are sent to the views. These are applied to one example scenario ...
Implementing Web2Py+Pygal 2.0. Pygal is a dynamic SVG charting library, It features various graph types: Bar charts, Line charts, XY charts, Pie char ...
Yet another dropdown chain (cascade) widget with select-or-add-new links capability. Note: Now is working with web2py 2.2.1 ...
How to implement a basic geometry field management even if unsupported at the moment by DAL in web2py version 1.99.4. ...
It allows multiple forms (2) on the same page using JQuery Tools and iframe. ...
Simple solution to find all tags and replace them with syntax highlighted content. Uses BeautifulSoup and pygments. ...
Although web2py comes with an integrated editor, I really like ckeditor and using it for a text field is trivial using widgets! ...