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Step-by-step instructions showing how to support for the flexible and speedy DataTables jQuery grid plug-in from datatables.net. It's blindingly fast ...
Customizable query result data scroller ...
How use TAGS in application for usable filter an search ...
Speed your app by using the LOAD helper to replace part of a view instead of reloading a page entirely. ...
This code is a working example that formats a form input to send emails containing multiple atachments or store them as draft (i.e. with the new imap ...
Implementing Web2Py+Pygal 2.0. Pygal is a dynamic SVG charting library, It features various graph types: Bar charts, Line charts, XY charts, Pie char ...
simple example showing how to use the ajax method to insert records as child records for parent record. ...
Have you ever wondered why it takes so many steps and using complicated report apis to make a silly pdf report with Python? Well, it's not that compli ...
This code outputs the db structure as xml (or a dict object). The purpose of this snippet is add support for javascript frameworks like angular.js Th ...
This allows teachers/schools to keep track of attendance to a course in a web2py app ...