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How to use python-crontab in a web2py app ...
Filter all the events that are saved in the Auth_event table by dates only available in the table , and you can filter on a period of Time two . Enjoy ...
Script to install web2py + nginx + uwsgi on Ubuntu server 12.04 with optimized options. ...
PollyReports.py provides a set of classes for database report writing. It assumes that you are using Reportlab to do PDF generation, but can work wi ...
a "Django" like admin for web2py 2.0 ...
Simple search form to filter orders from specific buyer/user ...
How to quickly get up and running on Red Hat's Openshift PaaS with web2py in as little as six steps! ...
Sometimes you want to manage users and their membership at the same form.. this one of the possible solutions ...
Recipe postes by "Udi Milo" on google group ...
Example of RESTful API with web2py @request.resttful feature. The web2py user Dirk K posted this recipe in the mail list. ...