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Implementing Web2Py+Pygal 2.0.


This recipe shows how to create beautiful charts with the help of pygal, an open source SVG charting. 


Why pygal (http://pygal.org/)?

Pygal is a dynamic SVG charting library, It features various graph types:

Bar charts, Line charts, XY charts, Pie charts, Radar charts, Dot charts, Pyramid charts, Funnel charts and Gauge charts.

And much more... Do you can create your own custom Python/Css styling or use the packaged themes (default, light, neon, clean, dark_solarized, light_solarized)

...And a lot of options to customize the charts.

Installing pygal

easy_install pygal

IMPORTANT: If you have an old pygal version, please Upgrade it:  

 pip install pygal  --upgrade

Controller (defaul.py)

def index():
    plot_pygal= URL('default', 'plot_pygal')
    return dict(plot_pygal=plot_pygal)

def plot_pygal():
    #Please serve pygal-tooltips.min.js from your local server: http://kozea.github.com/pygal.js/latest/pygal-tooltips.min.js
    import pygal
    from pygal.style import CleanStyle    
    bar_chart = pygal.Bar(style=CleanStyle)                            # Then create a bar graph object
    bar_chart.add('Fibonacci', [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55])  # Add some values    
    return bar_chart.render()

View (index.html)  

  <embed type="image/svg+xml" src="{{=plot_pygal}}" />




Creating impressive charts customizing the styles


IMPORTANT: If you have an old pygal version, please Upgrade it:  

 pip install pygal  --upgrade


Controller (default.py)

def index():
    chart = URL('default', 'chart')
    return dict(chart=chart)

# See the Doc's for more info and options of customize: http://www.pygal.org/en/latest/documentation/custom_styles.html
def chart():
    #Please serve this file locally, download at: http://kozea.github.com/pygal.js/latest/pygal-tooltips.min.js
    import pygal
    from pygal.style import Style

    custom_style = Style(
        transition='400ms ease-in',
        colors=('#E853A0', '#E8537A', '#E95355', '#E87653', '#E89B53')

    chart = pygal.StackedLine(fill=True, interpolate='cubic', style=custom_style, )
    chart.add('A', [1, 3,  5, 16, 13, 3,  7])
    chart.add('B', [5, 2,  3,  2,  5, 7, 17])
    chart.add('C', [6, 10, 9,  7,  3, 1,  0])
    chart.add('D', [2,  3, 5,  9, 12, 9,  5])
    chart.add('E', [7,  4, 2,  1,  2, 10, 0])
    return chart.render()

View (index.html)

{{extend 'layout.html'}}

<h1>Scale 30%</h1>
  <embed style='width:30%;' class='img-responsive col-xs-12' type="image/svg+xml" src="{{=chart}}" />

<h1>Scale 50%</h1>
  <embed style='width:50%;' class='img-responsive col-xs-12' type="image/svg+xml" src="{{=chart}}" />

<h1>Scale 100%</h1>
  <embed type="image/svg+xml" src="{{=chart}}" />



Related slices

Comments (12)

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  • 0
    ranjan 11 years ago
    It does worked for me.
    I have also tried using
    <embed src="{{=URL(plot_pygal)}}" type="image/svg+xml" />

    it works fine, but the hover effect is not working as demonstrated in


    replies (1)
    • write2ariya 10 years ago

      svg.jquery.js is a key for hover effect. I've solved by include it.

  • 0
    write2ariya 10 years ago

    hi ranjan


    You have to include 

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://kozea.github.com/pygal.js/javascripts/svg.jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://kozea.github.com/pygal.js/javascripts/pygal-tooltips.js"></script>
    for you view for hover effect tooltip

  • 0
    jocla123k 10 years ago

    Hi write2ariya

    You have managed to place these graphics in html?

    Embedding in a web page?


    replies (1)
    • write2ariya 10 years ago

      hi jocia, Did you solved your problem yet?

  • 0
    jocla123k 10 years ago

    write2ariya can u help me?

  • 0
    abraindump 10 years ago

    [Hover Effect Part 2]

    Then using the example controller code from the slice you must specify where the JS files are.  See the references to Config below.  Create the Config object, set the JS locations then pass the Config to the chart. 

    def plot_pygal(): 
        Config = pygal.Config()
        Config.js = ['https://<IP>:8000/<appname>/static/js/svg.jquery.js',
        bar_chart = pygal.Bar(Config, style=CleanStyle)      # Then create a bar graph object
        bar_chart.add('Fibonacci', [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55])  # Add some values       return bar_chart.render()
    Now when you display the chart hovering over any bar will display the value.


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