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web2py SCGI server needs to run. This is a robust solution based on D. J. Bernstein daemontools. ...
I need a way to upload an XML file into Web2py (behind apache) <u>without using a form</u>. In other words, the sending server will p ...
How to adapt a new CSS template to web2py layout.html quickly and easily (thanks Massimo) ...
Wanting to use a background image for my app ! I put in my layout layout file the following declaration just before the closing head ...
I have design a a page using html and my own custom grid system .. and wish to port it to web2py view I have placed my CSS files, js ...
Debian deployment w/ Nginx and SCGI ...
Hey I was wondering why my jQurey code was not working with the custom form code. Below is the code being used. {{= ...
Built-in CSV import function is great but doesn't update the field such as updated_on, updated_by fields. This slice will keep tracking who imported t ...
I don't want to use "username" to log-in ... but the user e-mail adress. I am new to web2py ! and to ...
Generate SSL self-signed certificate and key and enable https encryption in web2py. Enjoy your privacy https://www.eff.org https://www.torproject.org ...